Right now as you read this, bears are suffering in tiny cages and forced to undergo agonising bile extractions. Ripped from their mothers as cubs, they can endure up to 30 years of this misery. Can you imagine the terrible toll this takes on their mind and body?
Give a precious gift today and you can help save and care for Asia's abused animals.
Animals Asia has already rescued over 600 bears. But we need your help to rescue hundreds of bears still trapped on bile farms across Vietnam. With your help we can end this cruelty for good. A donation from you today means we can continue rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for these beautiful bears for the rest of their lives at our award-winning sanctuary…

Sky (pictured) was confined to a cage on a bear bile farm in Lao Cai, Vietnam. Just by looking at this beautiful bear, you can see the horrendous effects living behind bars had on her. She was extremely overweight, missing fur and had tough, scarred skin from years of rubbing on the cage in desperation.
Sky is safe now. But there are many bears just like her still out there, holding on for dear life and in desperate need of your help.
This is a huge challenge. One we can’t take on without your support. You can make history. Please donate today and help rescue Vietnam's last bile bears.
And it's not only the bears you'll be helping. From the dogs and cats stolen for meat to the wild animals forced to perform in circuses, your gift gives hope to thousands of animals throughout Asia.
Will you make a difference to Asia’s animals with a donation today?