Sign the letter thanking Vietnam’s government for supporting an end to bear bile farming.
In a powerful move, the government banned the practice of extracting bile from bears.
Will you please help make the most of this historic opportunity, and help free more than 400 bears still suffering on bile farms? If we don’t act fast they could die.
Add your name now and help free every bile bear in Vietnam.
In 20 seconds, you will help save bears like Tuan from a life of daily agony.
He was kept in a tiny cage without space or stimulation for a decade. Worse, he was repeatedly drugged so a metal needle could extract bile from his gallbladder.
Animals Asia wants to get bears like Tuan to the safety of our bear sanctuary, and your signature here now can help.
Please, let Vietnam’s government know you applaud its decision to ban bile farming.
Help Animals Asia reach 1,000,000 signatures by December 2021, when we plan to present the letter to Vietnam’s central government.
Help end the bear bile trade in Vietnam and bring relief to beautiful bears.
Please sign the letter and ask others to sign too.