After a lifetime of hunger and hurt, will you help see rescued bears through the winter?

Yes, I’ll donate to help feed hungry bears this winter!

Your first donation will take place today (immediately). From the next month, your monthly donation will be on your chosen date (either the 5th or 15th of the month).

Direct Debits are collected on our behalf by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).  

It's quick and easy to do and it's 100% secure...

Right now our rescued bears need an extra two tonnes of food a week as their bodies naturally tell them to EAT EAT EAT before their period of winter slumber.

Will you donate today to help fund the food bill of a once-starved bear through the winter?

Carrots, protein crunchies, peanuts, tofu and more… the cost to fill 307 hungry bear bellies with the nutritious, life-giving foods they need is daunting.

Please give today and help heal a lifetime of hunger and hurt with the most nourishing, life-giving food we can give.
